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Applied Systemic Coaching and Training - A simple way to deal with complexity

  • Adjust to emerging change.
  • Complete auto-concordant goals.
  • Achieve sustainable results.

Systemic approach is in real time, result oriented and measurable

We are experiencing an increasingly complex and fast paced moving environment.

In this context, managers and teams need to find new ways to interact, to manage uncertainty, to change their posture, to redefine their role and their contribution to their ecosystem.

Systemic approach highlights the flow and interactions between components of a complex and dynamic environment.

It addresses how the fundamental pattern of a specific situation is a reflection for the larger picture.


wider eco.png




Key People

Cross departments


A fast track to:

- Transform the active cultural of the company.

- Align strategy and actions on 3 hierarchical levels within 3 months.

- Measure what matters.

- Perfecting decision-making process & risk management patterns.

- Create feedback loops.

- Meet sustainable results.


Distributed, asynchronous,



multigenerational teams



A collaborative process to:

- Reduce friction, ease interactions.

- Increase quality of communication, delegation, autonomy.

- Release creative ability to find frugal solutions.

- Create self-regulated teams.

- Acquire meta-skills.

- Adapt to emergent situations


- Flash coaching

 - Development coaching

- Shadow coaching

- 24/7 coaching: unlimited hours


A personal process to:

- Leadership virtuosity.

- Self-knowledge and leadership.

- Move to the next level of pattern awareness

- Inspire and Aspire



Systemic coaching process is a tailored approach 

Examples of situations for Organisations and Teams

•Board of Directors needs to be more efficient

•Reveal individual and collective risk-management patterns strategies and processes. 

•Create a common culture after a merger or acquisition

•Find the right digital strategy

•Experiencing a fast growth and needing to secure transition to maturity

•More coherence in multi-cultural and or multi-generations teams

•We need a strategic plan, and align everyone on it

•A key executive is retiring soon, and we need a succession plan

•I want my organization to be a talent referral

•We need to create new appreciative matrix (quantify, quality, people, creativity...)

•Find the right sustainable policy ...

Examples of situations for Individuals 

•The first 90 days

•Get over some limiting beliefs  

•Identify my risk pattern

•Improve my leadership skills

•Enhance my communication skills

•Be eligible for promotion

•Integrate creativity as a fuel to growth 

•Build my personal image

•Solve conflict 

•I am in a new role and need to hit the ground running

•Quickly correct some behavioral skills

•Make a career path change

•Prepare an expatriation






•Create self-supporting and self-regulated teams

•Make everyone become a change agent from where they stand

•Reduce the time between decision and action

•Increase collaboration, autonomy, delegation

•Increase communication quality : in all situations, in times of crisis, on difficult subjects

•Manage distributed and asynchronous teams

•Reduce meetings time and increase their efficiency 




•Increase self-knowledge and reflexivity

•Mapping self-mental and behavioural patterns.

•Identify uses and limitations of self talks

•Opening perspectives, shifting mindsets & behavior

•Put emotion into motion

•Develop an eco-management of one’s energy





for leaders, entrepreneurs, HRs, managers, change agents, coachs


An active training program, to acquire the ultimates SYSTEMIC COACHING SKILLS 

to manage increasing complexity

Real time learning and intensive 9 days / 3 months of behavioural change training 


  • Increase self-knowledge and reflexivity

  • Create self-supporting and self-regulated systems

  • Exercise the ability to find creative and frugal solutions

  • Develop everyone to become a change agent

  • Reduce time between decision and action

  • Increase collaboration, autonomy, delegation

  • Increase communication quality in all situations. 

  • Manage distributed and asynchronous teams

  • Reduce the time of meetings and increase their efficiency

Systemic managers understand environmental complexity and adjust to emerging changes.


  • On practical application to affect immediate behavioural changes

  • Based on the principles of neuroplasticity

  • With practical and progressive introduction to each skill

  • Live virtual learning and phone-work operating procedures

  • Work groups (coach, client, observer)

  • ACREDITATION:  Acquire 63 training hours & up to 180 practice hours.The hours count as ACSTH (Accredited Coach Specific Training Hours) for ICF (International Coach Federation) 

Real time learning : intensive 9 days training program to develop
systemic coaching skills.
  • Co-creating a coaching relationship : The coaching Posture.
  • The art of questioning. 
  • Contracts and agreements in coaching. 
  • Systemic resonnance in coaching.
Over 1500 people trained worldwide.
Business leaders, entrepreneurs, managers, and coaches who completely shifted their way of doing, fulfilled their ambitions, accelerated their growth and met their full personal and professional potential. 


  • DELEGATED PROCESS 5 Systemic micro-competences  

        Circularity - Decisiveness - Pacing action in time and space -

 - Feedforward - Low Posture

  The competences needed for managing Distributed and Asynchronous Teams -

  Project Management - Meeting Management


2 days behavioural change workshop - Metasysteme © Learning Architecture




-Manage projects on time and in space

-Gain useful and targeted information

-Reduce the time between decision and action

-Create a circular and participative dynamic

-Increase the quality of communication

-Create feedback loop 

-Find frugal and creative solutions

Serena A. Massih - Systemic Coach
Serena Massis - Abdel Massih

By May Akl Ph.D.

Yale World Fellow '10

“Serena is a Systemic Coach, certified PCC by ICF, trained by Metasystème, Alain Cardon to the Systemic approach. She is also trained in Transactional Analysis and Management 3.0.  She holds a specific training in process learning and neuroscience with Bernadette Lecerf-Thomas. She is certified from ISPD Brussels for Soft Diplomacy Skills, Cross-Cultural Awareness as well as in Image Management from the London Image Institute. Certified TTI Insight.

She works with EmLyon Business School on the Executive Education department.

She was born in Lebanon, spent her childhood and part of her life between Lebanon, Europe, and Africa. Her multicultural and multidisciplinary background nourishes her practice.

She come from the business world where she acquired 20 years of experience in strategic customer marketing mainly within multinationals.”

Code of Ethics

Code de Déontologie

Core Competencies 

Compétences de Coach 



Franck R. - Client Executive

I had several trainings with Serena Serena gave me an improved view of coaching as a management tool. She looks for results and empowerment of people surrounding her, in a direct yet pleasant way. I would especially recommend her for senior managers or executives, people with enough maturity to look a themselves and improve radically. And I would certainly reach her in the future.

Joel F. - VP

I had several trainings with Serena Serena gave me an improved view of coaching as a management tool. She looks for results and empowerment of people surrounding her, in a direct yet pleasant way. I would especially recommend her for senior managers or executives, people with enough maturity to look a themselves and improve radically. And I would certainly reach her in the future.

Thierry N. - PH.D Organizational Behavior

Serena à une grande expérience sourcée dans son parcours professionnel et personnel multiculturel. Cela donne à son accompagnement, par l’approche systémique, une indéniable efficacité. Elle est résolument tournée solution et vers la mise en mouvement. Elle accompagne les personnes et les équipes d'une façon challenging, utilisant sa capacité à créer de la confiance, de la prise de conscience et son intuition dans la lecture des processus sous-jacents des schémas de pensée et de comportement au service de l’accomplissement du futur désiré de ses clients

Denis R. - DC

Merci Séréna pour la qualité & la pertinence de ton accompagnement. Ces accompagnements furent abordés avec justesse et illustrés d'exemples concrets. Ton enthousiasme et de ton écoute apportent une capacité de personnalisation de ton coaching très enrichissante : objectifs atteints lors de chacune de tes missions auprès de mon équipe, bravo !

Virginie C. - HR

Ma séance de formation avec Serena sur le coaching m’a permis de dépasser les aspects théoriques pour acquérir de vrais réflexes dans ma vie professionnelle. J’en garde un excellent souvenir de cohésion de groupe, de vrai moment de partage!

Jean-Baptiste P. - Consultant

Serena a assuré le coaching de mon groupe Excellence Program 'se transformer pour transformer l’entreprise'. J'ai apprécié sa bienveillante exigence tout au long de cette année ! Elle nous a aidé à fonctionner plus efficacement en groupe. Son expertise en systémique a été fondamentale.



Comment l'approche systémique permet d'aborder efficacement la transformation.
If you don't understand the relations between situations, your solutions could be worse than your problems
Video 1 - Pattern Thinking
Video 2 - Pattern Thinking

- A simple answer to explain an approach that deals with complexity.

What is Systemic Coaching? 
Dialogue with Alain Cardon MCC
"Coaching is perceived on very different levels. People can refer to themselves as coaches to express a general way of being, a type of relationship they aspire to develop, or they may refer the new, much more precise profession that has very specific criteria and rests on a well defined set of skills."

Is coaching a social movement, a way of being, a highly professional service ..?

Dialogue with Alain Cardon MCC
Le nouvel economiste - aout -septembre 2


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